Managing Images
- Navigate to VoiceForm Editor > VoiceForms page.
- Under VoiceForm Actions, select Manage VoiceForm Images.
- To upload an image, click Upload or drag and drop the file into the Upload box on the right side of the screen.
Only select and upload files from a tree structure such as Windows File Explorer.
Only one image can be uploaded at a time. Currently JPG, PNG, and GIF formats are supported.
An image with a filename that already exists in the VoiceCheck server cannot be uploaded. First delete the existing image from the file system and then upload a new file with the same name.
- Click the appropriate action link from the Manage Image Actions menu on the left.
- To create a new folder for image storage, click Create Folder. Ensure that you enter a name for the folder; the folder name can not be left blank. Duplicate folders names can not be created within the same folder in the system.
- To delete an image, select the image you want to delete from the right side of the screen and click Delete Image.
To add an image to a step, refer to Creating and Editing Steps